schadow switch mounting information

In the 70’s and into the 90’s WBS used a Schadow switch in almost every product they built. Different buttons required different offsets so “GOLDEN RULES” of design were made up so each engineer was on the same page. I found two of those pages the other day and was fascinated. These drawings are both done by hand and are admirable.

2014-06-27 18.41.15

2014-06-27 18.40.52

Wednesday night TV

Check out Jörg Wuttke, Understanding Microphones

Jörg Wuttke was born in Berlin in 1942. He studied electronics and telecommunications at Karlsruhe University, specializing in acoustics, and was teaching assistant to professor Günther Kurtze, the inventor of the shotgun microphone. He joined Schoeps GmbH as a research engineer in 1970, became its chief engineer in 1972, and is now its technical director.
Mr. Wuttke has been an active member of the Audio Engineering Society for many years, including publishing in the AES Journal and presenting papers and chairing workshops at conventions. In1993 he was awarded an AES Fellowship. Since 1972, he has been a member of the DIN standards committee on microphones and headphones. He maintains an avid interest in listening to music and recording live concerts.

was talking with someone about gold today

I was talking with one of my teachers today about gold in ICs. All the gold is in the wires of big chips…
so I looked around and found another video about the PCB plating

THEN, blessings to youtube, there is a guy smelting it

The day Google unplugs, is the day the worlds knowledge disappear

Youtube sound quality…

I was watching an Interesting lecture from google and Andrew Scheps had an interesting point about youtube audio: Youtube doesn’t have an option to select audio rate. The sound rate is based directly on the video playback rate. The lesson: If you are uploading songs to youtube with a place holder video, be sure it’s at 1080p. The audio will be fixed at 128kbps when the video is encoded under 720P and default to 384kbps at 1080P. Other great info: if you’re topping out the encoder, lower it 0.7dB

and check out for client delivery based on streaming MP4 SLS encoded files

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you know… I love this man and am forever in his debt.  He’s made laboratory grade audio equipment available to music / broadcast industry for many years and his standards and  interests have grown since his beginning.  Truly a childlike interest in pushing the boundaries of the craft he practices. He applies raw physics to sound and you should watch this as a whole to appreciate the brilliance of his passion and dedication.  

I’m glad someone as enthusiastic as Hutch Hutchison is at his side absorbing it all. (though he left RND)

Long live limitless analog technology!
Long live the passionate, curious and boundary pushing!
Long live Rupert Neve

Getting better with the Gorton engraving machine

10 Lessons I’ve learned about engraving by hand:

2 – Flexible material WILL FLEX WHEN CLAMPED!
3 – Start in the middle of the “A”
4 – 1:1 ratios show mistakes 1:1
5 – Don’t try to “go over” a skip
6 – One letter, one pass.
7 – WD 40 on cutting head
8 – stop are just guides, they stop nothing from moving unless there is a lock on the other side\
9 – The first two “setups” are typically throw aways
10 – don’t beat yourself up, the landing gear is down.

I’ve learned my letter set is a little worn down, thus making some skips and pits a little more noticeable (this is where lesson 4 comes into play)… A new set is a little out of my price range for now.
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