The last meter

“The last meter” refers to the final connection between an audio device, such as a microphone, headphones, or speakers, and the larger sound system or network. Just as “the last mile” in telecommunications represents the crucial final stretch that delivers service to the end user, “the last meter” in audio engineering highlights the importance of the final cable or wire, which directly impacts the quality and reliability of the sound being transmitted. Despite its short length, this connection is critical for ensuring the integrity of the overall sound system.

The “asymptote of despair”

“if we plot progress versus time it should be pretty much linear.  We are currently right about here  approaching the danger zone between works and done and those two things are not the same we have to be very careful not to get sidetracked at The Works
boundary and end up over here on the Asymptote of Despair where time goes to
infinity and we never quite finish our project”