there is a demo below… check it out in cans

The Spatial Sound Card App is a software based, virtual sound card. It provides speakers for stereo and surround monitoring for the computer with standard headphones.
Professional monitoring of audio content usually requires complex, high-quality speaker installations, for which both budget and space are needed. The Spatial Sound Card enables monitoring of stereo and surround up to 7.1 with a standard headphone on the computer.
The Spatial Sound Card is a virtual sound card that is inserted between software, operating system and audio hardware. The room virtualizations originate from a constantly growing number of high end studios and dub stages like the ARRI Stage One, MSM Munich and others. The technology used in the SSC was used on major Blu-Ray releases (e.g. The Expendables I and II).
To optimize the virtualization the SSC provides parameters to customize the frequency curve of the used headphones. Presets for a lot of well-known headphone models are included, more will follow soon.
The Spatial Sound Card works with all applications that support multichannel audio output. These include media players like VLC and FLAC-Player as well as video and audio workstations. The SSC is recommended for media professionals from the audio, video or games area as well as for agencies and companies with workstations that need high quality audio monitoring.
For now the Spatial Sound Card runs on MacOS 10.6.x and above, a version for Windows will come within the third quarter of this year.