Joel Plaskett rocking some WBS pre-amps

I was reading (like I do every month plug plug) and saw Joels lovely new studio and Neve Console.  Front an centre I was happy to see the set of WBS pre-amps I wired up for him a few years ago.   Glad they’re making great records! And congrats to Thomas, who was apparently a regular at Revolution Recording… I just kept my head down and in the backScreen Shot 2014-08-21 at 1.48.31 PM Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 1.48.56 PM

Ward-Beck Systems “DINNER BOX” – dB-4

Working on the new Ward-Beck Systems “DINNER BOXES”    dB-4

Because there’s real Meat in it… Because sometimes I skip lunch… Because they don’t serve lunch at 4AM… Because I eat lunch for breakfast…

It’s a backplate to simply wire and power up (4) WBS filters and Compressors.  M466, M466M, M462, A, B or M464 Filter.   A balancing card for M472 eq modules is on the drawing board too! Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 9.06.06 AM Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 9.05.24 AM

Herman Miller Chair repair

My Old Herman Miller wheels were really ruining my floor.  This is something you don’t really think about until it’s too late…
I ordered hardwood floor safe wheels for my chair.  I really recommend them for any surface… the soft rubber really keeps your floor looking new.

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While I had the chair upside down I thought I’d share a mod I do to them.  If you’ve spent a lot of time in these chairs you’ll know the KLANG the legs make… to keep that klang down to a minimum I Supper 77  in some scrap acoustic foam to the legs.  2014-07-31 22.18.32