I’m doing some work for a convention… editing a lectern mic for archival, and mic technique isn’t the forte of the crowd. But to turn around 70 min of dialog in 15 min using pro tools and clip gain is the only tool for the job.
If only I could author a CD right from pro tools. Still have to resort to the now abandoned “Peak Pro”
Yeah, I can’t deal without that particular feature anymore.
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I’ve been out of the pro tools for a good chunk of 3 years now and I must say it’s the only worthwhile reason to upgrade. Too bad AVoID hasn’t come up with a companion authoring tool for pro tools…
There were some serious engine optimizations made in 10 which made it work a lot more snappily.
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Two things about clip gain I think could use some work: the position of the “handle” If only it were 20 pixels to the right, making crossfades wouldn’t be such a “drag”
When you’re “gaining” (it’s a verb now) a track at the bottom of your screen the CG fader starts back at zero as soon as a change has been made…