Sound guy xmas idea #20 – New Leatherman

I try to keep one on myself at all times… it’s an Every Day Carry.   I think I can build an entire studio with one of these tools, and there hasn’t been a day in a good long time I’ve not put this tool to work.  I’m partial to the Leatherman Wave and I know there is MUCH debate about these types of tools so to each their own.   They just released a black one with interchangeable bits.  Though I love my “classic one” I can see the bit set coming in very handy!Screen Shot 2013-11-17 at 11.10.39 PMScreen Shot 2013-11-17 at 11.13.26 PM Screen Shot 2013-11-17 at 11.13.38 PMScreen Shot 2013-11-17 at 11.27.51 PM

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