Python: move a fader in protools using Avid pro tools SDK

import pro_tools_sdk

# Connect to Pro Tools
session = pro_tools_sdk.Session()

# Get a reference to the fader you want to control
fader = session.get_fader("Fader 1")

# Set the fader's level to -12 dB

# Close the Pro Tools session

  • Pan: You can use the set_pan() method to control the pan position of a channel.
    Mute: You can use the set_mute() method to mute or unmute a channel.
    Solo: You can use the set_solo() method to solo or unsolo a channel.
    Input or output routing: You can use the set_input_routing() and set_output_routing() methods to control the input and output routing of a channel.
    Inserts: You can use the get_inserts() method to get a list of inserts on a channel, and then use the enable() and set_parameter() methods to control the settings of each insert.
    Automation: You can use the get_automation_parameters() method to get a list of automation parameters on a channel, and then use the enable() and set_value() methods to control the settings of each automation parameter.