I could not justify spending the cash on a new one and she has a lot of life left in her. I should have no problem keeping this one through school. It’s hard to take notes in a programming class by hand, too many syntax errors… Found this one on Kijiji for $560, and $30 worth of rubber feet later she is golden. 15″ unibody Inte core 2 duo 2.5Ghz , 8gb ram, 250gb hd, works great, it’s all I really need.
good advice! Mine gets TERRIBLY hot – warps the battery and charges hot too. Like when I am in shorts it scorches my legs kinda hot. But when I opened it the fans were clean and functioning, pulled the ram and it still gets hot. Must be getting old!
not my style but Kudos on that design.
Too cute.
Roy Sydiaha liked this on Facebook.
Matt Weston liked this on Facebook.
Damnit…I was going to do that to our laptops here at Disney! Well….it’s still a good idea, so I am looking for that sticker!
Timmy Lok liked this on Facebook.
eBay… got it from Bulgaria. Good luck suing that guy, his printing shack doesn’t have an address
I need a new Mac laptop – mine is dying a painfully hot death!
I could not justify spending the cash on a new one and she has a lot of life left in her. I should have no problem keeping this one through school. It’s hard to take notes in a programming class by hand, too many syntax errors… Found this one on Kijiji for $560, and $30 worth of rubber feet later she is golden. 15″ unibody Inte core 2 duo 2.5Ghz , 8gb ram, 250gb hd, works great, it’s all I really need.
good advice! Mine gets TERRIBLY hot – warps the battery and charges hot too. Like when I am in shorts it scorches my legs kinda hot. But when I opened it the fans were clean and functioning, pulled the ram and it still gets hot. Must be getting old!
Planned Obsolescence. get an SSD for it and do a fresh OS install
hmmmm menopause same sorta thing???